The Making of An Appendix of Illustrations

In May 2014, I published and the floor was always lava as a part of my final fulfillment of my Master in Fine Arts (MFA) degree. The other part of that project was what is known as the handmade element. This limited edition—the printed and published and the floor was always lava coupled with my handmade element, an appendix of illustrations­­—won University of Baltimore’s Plork Award.

Below is a gallery of photos and a collection of thoughts and reflections on the process that created the limited edition.

Click the images for an explanation and notes.


Things I Learned from the Process

I did a lot of sketches and mock-ups of this project, and a lot of things changed along the way which is to be expected. Below are some of the main takeaways I learned:

  • Crayons and Wax Oil Pastels are not the same thing. Wax Oil Pastels are worth the $1.99
  • Teflon folders are greater than bone folders
  • A classmate told me I could have used an iron-on for the stamp for a cleaner final product. It also seems less-complicated.
  • The splattering effect was more successful than the gravity-helped versions
  • I would have started WAY earlier


A Chance to Win

I have only a few limited editions left (and the floor was always lava + an appendix of illustrations). You can enter to win your copy by commenting below, reblogging, or sharing this post (and tagging me) via Facebook or Twitter before December 5 to be entered into a drawing to win your own copy.

If you’re not into odds and risk, you can also purchase a limited edition handling by emailing me at ($25 + shipping). But get yours, today (because they’re just about gone).

If you have any questions or would like to know more about the process, please get in touch.

Happy Thanksgiving and check back later this week for a new Translating Twenty-Five post.